Monday, February 28, 2011

Are you practicing what you preach???

As I sit here tonight I am beginning to wonder why people continue to - preach, preach, preach.... but they never seem to PRACTICE their own PREACHINGS!  Have you ever thought about maybe actually taking the time to sit and think about what you are PREACHING to others?  Are you practicing what you are preaching?  I understand that no one is perfect, but after so many times.... it really truly becomes a mute point.

Till next time-

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love is in the air.... or is it?

For all of those of you who are lucky enough to have a significant other, here's hoping you have the best Valentine's Day ever!

Happy Valentine's Day Blogland!

Till next time-

Friday, February 11, 2011

Early Dismissal with Great Friends.....

  So, here we are in the middle part of February and we were blessed with yet another SNOW STORM.  Well this one decided to drop on us right at the part of the day when the kids were to be on buses on the way home from school, sooooo..... drum roll please..... we were given a 2 hour early release.  Wait, it gets better.

  One of my dear friends and her daughter came over to spend a few hours and we decided to CRAFT!  This is the result!

  Picture Frame
  Scrap Paper
  and handy dandy HOT GLUE GUN!

Till next time...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Penny Saved.....

As I was browsing around online I ran across somewhere that stated that Proctor & Gamble has new coupons out and to go HERE in order to sign up for them.  Well of course I was headed over there because there's almost always a coupon for Dawn $1/1.... which means only but one thing - FREE dishwashing liquid, in my eyes there's no other way to buy stuff then buy with coupons and SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!!  WOOHOO....

Happy Saving,
Meems <3

Early Spring or More Winter....

Well according to the furry little Mr. Punxsutawney Phil, we should be welcoming an EARLY SPRING!  Here is the forecast from Punxsutawney early this morning....

Phil's official forecast as read February 2nd, 2011, at sunrise at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, PA:
Here Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye
Groundhog Day, February 2, 2011
Punxsutawney Phil was raised from his burrow
By the call of President Bill Deeley.
He greeted his handlers, Ben Hughes and John Griffiths.
After casting an inquisitive eye towards thousands of his faithful followers,
He proclaimed that the Steelers are going to the Super Bowl!
Back to the business at hand...
He surveyed his surroundings carefully and found that there was no shadow around,
So, an early spring it will be.

So how much of this craziness do you really believe?  Do you really think that a weather forecast can be predicted by a 'groundhog'???  As much as I would love to believe it, according to statistics that I read early this morning, Mr. Phil is only right 39% of the time.  Well Mr. Groundhog, let's hope that you are right this year... as for me and my gang we are ready for SPRING!!!!!

Even though this is all superstition; we all have to have a little fun sometimes, RIGHT?  Happy Groundhog Day from our house to yours!!!

Till next time, stay warm!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just a little February Rambling.....

  So here I sit and it's the first day of February 2011...  Really?  What in the world happen to January...  where did it go?  I can tell you that it surely didn't go to the girls hormonal teens being gone to school....  this is the first week in almost 2 months that they are actually going to go ALL WEEK and they get sick.  But it's okay, it's not like they can help it.  Anyway, on to something else.

  My goal for 2011 is to start blogging better, I've really been a slacker when it comes to this whole blogging thing and I want to do better.  2011 has proved to be interesting ALREADY and I can only HOPE that it gets better.

  One thing I did do is come up with my TOP 100's for 2011... well ok, I guess they are really from the last year.  As I was going through some stuff today I also found my TOP 100's from 2009, so I thought it would be fun to create a blog post and compare.  So be looking for those...

Till next time...

With a little love....

Ok, so the Mr. cut these cute little hearts out over a year ago with the intention that I was going to use them.... well guess what.... I used them.  (Don't kill me babe)  Grant it that it has been a year since but I have definitely used them. 

Needless to say 2011 has given us many snow days and this week it has given us 2 sick days, so I used my time wisely to be productive we'll say.  This is the result.  I just covered them with Mod Podge, Scrap Paper and Voila!  You have cute little hearts!  Some of my friends will say "You make it look so easy" but that's okay, I love them anyway!!!!

Just wanted to share my little creativity for this month so far.... I'm sure there will be more to come soon!

Till next time...