Monday, November 8, 2010

Button Ornaments

These were super simple and turned out soooo cute!

Take a regular pipe cleaner bend in half and twist at the top of the bend one time to make the loop for hanging.  Then you will have two pieces of pipe cleaner hanging down.  Get your buttons together and just start feeding them on to the pipe cleaner.  When you get your ornament as big as you would like just twist pipe cleaner together and cut off excess.

Hope this helps!!!!! Enjoy!!!!! :)

Happy Holidays,

Friday, September 24, 2010

More Spookiness....

Bat Droppings and Eye of Newt

Snake Oil

Dried Skin

Fur Of Bat
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The Start of Spookiness

So, the start of spookiness begins here at the Wonderful House of Sugar Plum.... with Halloween just a few short weeks away, I've decided that I was going to start working on some cute but GROSS things to place around the house! In this blog and the next one you will see the pictures of the start of this process.... :) Feel free to use the ideas as I've just gotten a general idea off various places online and run with them. All I ask is that if you share my photos, you link back to me!!!! :)


the pitiful looking dining room table which has turned into the 'temporary home' of craftiness

Sugar Plum's Witches Brew

Shrinking Human

Pixie Dust
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

It Is What It Is

Days come and days go... some good and some bad. Today is just one of those bad ones... :( One of these days I just keep thinking that life will return to a somewhat normal state, though I'm not really sure what normal is anymore. Things just aren't the same today in 2010 as they were even just 10 short years ago. Life with normalcy would be nice, ho-hum... just another day of wishful thinking.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Different Kind of Hurt

As most of you know, my heart was completely crushed several months ago by someone very special to me. Unfortunately, as of today, I still do not know what exactly I did to cause the person to turn on me the way that they did. But after several months of thinking and continuing on with my life, I still hurt. :( Deep down inside... a kind of hurt that is like no other. I'm so confused and baffled as to what went wrong. The longer this goes one, the more hurt and anger that builds deep inside. Will it ever go away? Will there ever come a time when I will no longer hurt or be so angry?

Till next time...

Friday, February 5, 2010


Ok, so one of my absolute all time fave places to visit is Today's Creative Blog. I've never found 'one' place where I can find uber (is that a word?) amounts of ideas! Not to mention she does the Fabulous Friday Giveaway!!!! She always features some of the best blogs. You should really go over and check her out!!!!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Love will conquer ANYTHING

As the days go by ever so slowly... I continue to stand the love watch! Some days are better than others. I might have a great day today, but then tomorrow I might be right back to where I was in the beginning... with tearful eyes, a hurting heart, shattered dreams, fallen hopes, and a broken marriage still.

The more days that go by the more I learn that this is worth every effort that we're putting into this. That it's going to continue to be an extremely long, winding uphill path but with both myself and my navigator aiming for the same ending point! We will get through this, life will return to normal again one day. My navigator will again find me and lead me in the right direction.

If you really know me, you know that patience is just NOT my strong quality... however I am learning that I HAVE to find it. For him, I will do anything and if that means finding patience then that I will do. For he is my rock, my soul, my heart, my everything. I will make him proud to continue to call me his wife!

To My Dearest Navigator,
Baby, I love you and I know this isn't easy! But we'll make it! Our cheerleaders are rooting us on and we can do this because WE have a LOVE THAT WILL CONQUER!

All my love,
Your "Forever Princess"


Thursday, January 28, 2010

With Tears, I Still Stand

Here I am standing the watch still but tonight not so much with optimism or pride! I’m fading and fading fast. My heart is hurting, and I really don’t know how much more pain I can take.



Monday, January 25, 2010

My Jar of Patience

My heart hurts… I am enduring the most unexplainable pain. I’m lost on the path and can’t find my way out. I can’t find the path that I should be on, I’ve somehow wandered off and I need directions. The problem is my navigator is lost as well and currently neither of us can find our way back to one another. Despite all of the drama on my watch, I’m still standing my watch with pride. Love will somehow find its way again someday, I’m just not sure when it will happen.

Everyone says “everything will be okay, you just have to have patience.” But what do you do when your jar of patience has run out and you have nowhere to go? I only have ONE navigator and I’ve lost him. I can’t find him, I can’t see him, I can’t talk to him… I need him in my life…but regardless I made a vow to my navigator and that I will keep. My vow to stand with my navigator through thick through thin, through sickness through health, for richer for poorer till death do us part… I WILL CONTINUE TO HONOR THAT VOW – NO MATTER WHAT!


I'm Stuck and can't figure my out....

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you are completely stuck and there is absolutely no way out? That is the way I feel at the moment and I don’t know how to deal with it!

I’m at a loss for the way to deal with the situation at hand! I need my best friend to talk to and to guide me through the roughest moment in my life and currently I can’t chat with that person.

Deployments SUCK! :(

A Meems